Time Out for Summer Vacay!

The New Deli will be closed Friday, June 14 through Monday, June 17. Off to refresh and hang out in the wilderness with the family for a bit!

As per usual, we’ll be back Tuesday. Meanwhile, what’s been going on since that February post detailing Tom’s health scare adventure? Thankfully, it’s all good. I’ve been gardening and grand-babysitting more (though still doing the New Deli sprout-growing and office work), while Tom’s doing what he loves- greeting the many New Deli regulars, meeting new ones, and keeping the deli afloat.

We’ve wondered how long we’ll be able to keep doing this, as the deli’s 40th anniversary approaches (next year!). Lord willing, we’ll keep going. (After all, what other local business is providing homemade food made with 100% olive oil, organic greens, and other fresh stuff, with minimal processing and additives?!)

The New Deli Board, Almost 40 Years

Hopefully we’ll still be rejoicing, even in the challenges, ironies and unknowns. My garden’s a good example- it’s pretty amazing right now (if I do say so myself). Some of the lessons learned have grieved me a bit in the process. But that garden is wrought from the lessons learned, and the grace of God.

So many lessons…

  • Don’t try to raise BSF (soldier flies) in the closet, to feed to your chickens, if you’re not in the tropics. (Unless you don’t care that the space heater is also heating the whole room up to about 100° and is probably not cost-effective.)
  • Don’t put up a (cheap-ish) hoop house thinking the up-to-55mph winds will not tear it to shreds. (Even if you imagined a handy green-house effect in blustery Pinole.)
  • Don’t put in a pond without doing more research than you did writing your last thesis.

That’s just my latest lessons- whew! But now the chickens are still getting fed well (extra leftover crops from the garden), the heat-loving veggies are growing (in a different, warmer spot), and the pond is clear (meaning- it’s not a swamp like in the old days!).

Psalm 30:5 says, “His anger lasts only a moment, his goodness for a lifetime. Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning.” Yay.

Jun Kombucha for Two (+ Easy Maintenance)

My old kombucha recipe (posted here) needed an update- I posted that recipe eight years ago! And in case you forgot why you want to drink probiotics, I did sum that up in an article here.

I realized my recipe was a bit dated when giving son Tyler’s new bride Maria a box of fermentable projects. I’m so glad she was interested- Maria even tried (and wanted some of) my Natto (which is more than I can say for most every other guinea pig around here besides husband Tom!).

So I was inspired to get this update out. I hope it helps anyone trying to maintain their kombucha overflow without drowning in gallons of kombucha vinegar. I started making this smaller amount when our kombucha habits changed- the grandkids switched to Kefir (recipe here), as it doesn’t have any caffeine, and now Tom and I drink that a lot, since I’m already making it for them.

But I want to keep my scoby happy, even while ignoring it a bit. Below is a quart-size recipe for Jun kombucha, along with a few extra tips to (hopefully) maintain Jun kombucha for one or two people.

Green Tea + Honey; Easy Jun Kombucha Process

Start with a bit of Jun starter (on Amazon, here) (or get some from me personally- comment below!). Add about as much of the honey-sweetened green tea mixture as you anticipate needed in the upcoming week. If I know I need less than a cup or so for drinking in the upcoming week, and just want to keep the scoby happy, I only feed a small amount of starter (maybe just a 1/3 c. or so), with only a cup or so of the sweetened tea.

A week later, I have some fermented Jun kombucha, that I can add to smoothies or drink straight. (I reserve some of the kombucha as starter, to add more sweet tea to.)

If I skip drinking any that week, I have something much tarter than Jun by the second week. Still full of probiotics though!

Ditto the third week- if I haven’t used any of the kombucha, and haven’t fed it any fresh sweetened tea mixture, it starts approaching vinegar status. You can let some of it continue fermenting until it tastes tangy enough, and just use it as you would vinegar. Vinegar’s still nutritious, containing acetic acid, which may have benefits like helping with blood pressure and fat accumulation. But vinegar’s not quite ideal for adding to smoothies or whatever, right?!

If your goal is to keep your Jun scoby happy and alive, while drinking smaller amounts of it, the recipe below should work.



  • 2 tsp. loose green tea (or 2 bags)
  • 2 c. boiling water
  • 2 c. ice water
  • 1/3 c. (.21 lb.) honey (preferably raw, organic)
  • 1/4 c. starter tea (or about 10%)
  • Jun Scoby


Brew the tea in a shatter-proof thermos, steeping 2-4 minutes in the thermos. Use: > 2 tsp. loose green tea > 2 c. or so boiling water

After steeping, strain tea (or remove bags), pouring it into a quart jar. Add honey and stir well: > 1/3 c. honey

Add enough ice (or water) to bring the liquid amount up to 4 c.

When the sweetened tea has cooled to room temperature, add it to about a 1/4 to 1/2 c. starter tea in the starter quart jar.

OR- only add a third or half of that sweetened tea to the jar with the starter in it. Save the extra sweetened tea in the refrigerator. Or freeze it if you’ll be ignoring your Jun for more than a week. That way, you can easily feed your starter again next week (or next month), using the extra sweetened tea. (I defrost the frozen sweet tea in the fridge for a few days.)

In any case, within a week (or less), the Jun kombucha will be tart enough to drink, and full of probiotics. Pour some off daily to drink or add to smoothies. Or get all fancy and pour most of the cultured kombucha into a ceramic-stopper-type bottle, adding fruit juices or what-have-you. Once you close the lid on the fancy bottle, it’ll start building up carbonation. “Burp” that kombucha daily, so it doesn’t get too carbonated. (We’ve wiped kombucha geyser remains off the ceiling many a time…) Store in the fridge once it’s tart/carbonated enough, which will slow down the fermenting/carbonating process.

A link to the original recipe is at the top of this page, if you need more directions. Please, leave a message below, if you have any questions, or any exciting success stories!

Present Day (AND President’s Day)

The New Deli, closed President's Day

First off, for you New Deli peeps, yes, we’ll be closed President’s Day, as per usual. Thought I’d post that, because, #1- It’s probably convenient for deli customers to know our latest holiday schedule. AND, #2- a whole lot’s happened since I last posted, mentioning The New Deli’s Christmas Vacation.

It’s easier to share the story now that Tom and I know it’s a pretty happy ending. We’re so grateful to God for seeing us through a challenging season. So many prayers- thank you all!

Anyway, long story somewhat abridged, at some point after Thanksgiving, Tom started feeling a bit awful. Something was way off. A doctor prescribed a 30-day round of antibiotics, and I waited apprehensively for signs of recovery. No signs. But at least Tom got through Christmas. We even traveled, celebrating our son Tyler’s wedding to Maria, and Tom was able to keep up with us as we traipsed about Spain. A very blessed time.

But by early January, during an exam, we were told there seemed to be a mass or tissue developing. The doctor believed there was a small chance it was not cancer. We braced for worst-case scenarios. I’d never seriously considered the possible demise of my life partner happening any time soon. Like, “Free Crab Tomorrow”, it’s never tomorrow, so… no problem.

A wake up call for sure. This new reminder (that, yes, we’re mortal), led to other thoughts. Thoughts of guilt (I could’ve taken better care of Tom and skipped that last garden project?). Thoughts of loss (pity party). Thoughts of incompetence (I couldn’t do the taxes, nor make sense of Tom’s chicken-scratch paperwork.) Thoughts of God…first, having to tell Him, “Not my will but Yours be done”. Also wondering how, in this case, could it possibly be that “all things turn out for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose”? I imagined that, well, it would be one way to get family together. Eulogy, “Yeah, I know Tom would’ve liked to have been here.” And, “But we’re so grateful all of you could come anyway…” And then I’d cry. (I didn’t want to be a widow at 65. Who does?)

Tom’s Breakfast?! (Plus Meals of Giant Salads & Veggies)

But. We had to try. We began a heavy-duty health/cancer protocol. I ordered books, watched videos… We quit coffee and alcohol. And wine (though I thought wine was a supplement form of resveratrol? No!). Tom started a “12-Step” program… Well, really, more like fifteen or twenty steps- things to have in the morning and throughout the day, while supposedly reducing his stress levels (well, THAT’s stressful!), getting more sleep…

I stocked up on massive amounts of groceries. Going organic and plant-based was not going to be cheap. Or compact. (Maybe a second fridge would help?) Just for fun, I wanted to share the list of all Tom was having at breakfast or throughout the day. We’ve let up on some of this routine, but are both still adhering to much of this now:

  1. Liposomal C (I’d been making it for several years already, to combat basic “bugs and viruses”)
  2. Fresh-juiced organic grapefruit, orange and lemon (according to Gerson Therapy)
  3. Citrus Flavonoid Tonic (some were calling it a “Hydroxychloroquine” mix, but that stuff’s synthetic, and this stuff’s natural/DIY style)
  4. “Ginger Bug” (a probiotic made with ginger root)
  5. Iodine Drops
  6. Natto (Japanese-style fermented soybeans I started making, touted for boosting heart health and immunity)
  7. High-polyphenol Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  8. Fresh-ground black cumin seed (tastes like motor oil, but cancer cells hate it too)
  9. Vitamin D, Zinc, Saw Palmetto
  10. Cod Liver Oil
  11. Fresh Veggie Juice (carrot, celery, Granny Smith apple, cabbage)
  12. Smoothie with berries and Kombucha
  13. Apricot Kernels
  14. Brazil Nuts
  15. Oatmeal and other starches as necessary (for weight gain!)

God has proven faithful. Even in the midst of this, and not knowing the prognosis, and needing to go to our son’s wedding, we were able to have joy. Thank you Lord for that!
Now we’re back to some gardening and maintenance (mostly me), deli work (mostly Tom), and enjoying visits with family and friends. We know that God knows the number of our days, but we’re so very grateful Tom’s number wasn’t up yet!

Finally, weeks after that, the biopsy report came in, day after our anniversary. Apparently this WAS a very rare case of it just being an infection. Hallejujah! Even before that report, the urologist had begun suspecting as much, had done more extensive labs, and prescribed the right antibiotic for that particular bacteria. AND, it had begun to work. Which made our 48th Anniversary celebrating especially joyful.

Back January 8th, 2024!

Hope everyone’s enjoyed the Christmas season. We’re stretching it out a bit, since our son’s getting married this week. We’ll be closed through Sunday, January 7th, but we’ll be back after that.

The New Deli celebrated a few from our team that “retired” this summer (at least from the deli): Theresa, Joan, & Emma

Posts seem to be far and few between these days- you might’ve noticed that the last post was about our summer vacation! In any case, I guess you could say we’ve been busy. Summer’s past, along with most remains of Jen’s summer garden (last post pictured her squash plants overtaking the hoop house). By summer’s end, Jen realized- “I’ll have to rethink this squash thing”, since a few hills of squash choked out most of the tomatoes, peppers, okra and cucumber. (Hoping for better yields next year!)

Tom’s stayed busy manning the deli sales counter, ordering, and doing all that paper-work, although he’s got more guys in training for the upcoming year. We’re still happy to be able to serve the community- you can still see our super-friendly, highly-capable staff most Mondays through Fridays (OK, I’m biased, but I think they’re GREAT!).

Hope you all have a very exciting start to your new year, and enough leftovers around to make it to our return come January 8th. If you do have to subsist on some speedier (i.e. fast) food in the interim, we know you’ll just appreciate us all the more once we’re back. We love you too!

Annual Summer Vacay

Sorry if we missed you- we were closed July 13 & 14 (a nice, long weekend), to get some quality time camping with the grandchildren and family. We’re back now though!

We do have an amazing deli team, which has meant extra summer gardening and homesteading for Jen. This year’s feats so far: Remodeling a leaking, poorly designed pond, installing a hoop house for veggies (challenged in our blustery garden by the bay), and raising a fourth generation of chickens.

The chickens led to Jen’s deep dive into insect farming (great food for those chickens). Bug food might be trending lately, but no worries- The New Deli won’t be carrying chips made from grasshopper flour! For us, it’s just about the chickens…

Enjoy your summer! You can’t always tell by our weather that summer’s here, but I’m hoping everyone gets to enjoy some garden somewhere this year- we are all blessed by the beauty surrounding us!

Verse of the Day: Acts 1:12 tells us- “… there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Amen to that! Jesus saves! Meanwhile, Tom found a couple verses interesting: Ezekiel 9:3 & 4. We can have hope for better things, even when it gets ugly outside!

Memorial Day

The New Deli will be closed for the long weekend, but we’ll be back Tuesday! Looking forward to a Monday off, gathering with friends and loved ones; celebrating the sacrifices made for freedom…

I’ve only known of one person who’d given his life for freedom. My dad was relatively safe as an engineer at Chrysler’s Missile Division, back during the Cold War. And my father-in-law survived serving in Egypt during World War 2, also as an engineer.

Meanwhile, most of our family has known freedom at relatively little personal cost. No one’s asked us to give that much, even though John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

Jesus is the only one I know that’s gone that far. I love the verse that Martin Luther King referenced, from John 8:36- “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” I can really rejoice, that Jesus died for my sins, rose again (conquering death), and gives eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Hope you can enjoy your freedom this weekend!

Green Day: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Going green is a big deal these days. I guess I should be proud to say we’ve been going green for a long time… recycling and composting deli scrap buckets since 1985, growing our own organic produce- that kind of thing. But such actions still won’t ever actually redeem us.

Now what does that have to do with St. Patrick’s Day? Well- March 17th was my grandpa’s birthday. The family always had great fun celebrating this wonderful, humble, godly man. When I was ten years old, modeling my new two-piece bathing suit (back in the sixties), he shook his head. I heard him say, “Jennifer should not be wearing that.” It was probably the beginning of much upcoming teenage eye-rolling on my part. But I still loved my grandpa.

He was right though! Even when “everyone else is doing it”, it doesn’t make it right. Mine was a rebellious generation (as many can be when going through puberty?). But the negative effects might’ve been diminished if more parents had said no to so many things. Even now, colors, appearance and styles may change, but of the underlying root causes, some things never change. Man has a “want” to sin…

Just to wrap up this post about my grandpa and St. Patrick’s Day… The last memory I have of my grandpa was actually after his death to cancer in the late seventies. I would often have a dream of him standing at the bottom of some steps, with something like the glory of heavenly light surrounding him. He would be crying and holding out his arms to me. Before getting saved in 1996, I would discount the dreams by assuming it was about him, and that he was sad he’d died, and he wanted to come back. Never thought it was about me. But the dreams would continue, sometimes a year or two apart. But always poignant, always leaving my heart a little sore.

In the mid-nineties, I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. A few years passed after that…And then it hit me: I hadn’t had any more of those recurring dreams of grandpa! I came to realize, the dream was about my grandpa calling out for me to be saved. I’m not claiming that “spirts” can talk to us from the dead, in some Ouija-board type of fortune-telling. But I thought of the verse from Luke 16:22-23: “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.” My grandpa never wanted me to be like that rich man. It just took awhile for me to figure that out!

I’m so happy I will see my grandpa some day in heaven. Thank you Lord, for those you’ve put in our lives, who pray for us even before we know we need the prayers.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day indeed 🙂

Looking Up!

Oh, for starters, The New Deli will be closed for President’s Day, Monday, February 20. But we’ll be back Tuesday, business as usual!

2023- New Deli Open (but closed President's Day)

Now, on to more interesting thoughts, provoked by that Daniel and the Lions’ Den story. You know the story- some of the higher-ups didn’t like Daniel, and were able to incriminate him by having the king outlaw prayers to anyone but King Darius. Of course Daniel got busted, cuz he had to pray to his God.

That was in the old days, right? Yet, here in 2023, I was surprised to read the YouTube guidelines…”Don’t post content on YouTube if it includes any of the following: Treatment misinformation: content that encourages the use of home remedies, prayer, or rituals in place of medical treatment such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital.”

Wow! You know me- I’ve always encouraged the use of home remedies. And prayer. I have not actually said, “do this and avoid the medical community”… BUT… is that why Google shadow-banned me?!

YouTube Guidelines

These past three years, I’ve been apprehensive about posting “home remedies” that worked for me. Tom and I did have a short bout with Covid over the holidays in 2021, when I had a bad headache over the weekend, but that was about it. I wanted to post the recipe I used for getting optimal amounts of Vitamin C and other nutrients (through a liposomal recipe I tweaked), but I didn’t want to get shut down. So I just mentioned it among friends. I made quite a few extra batches of the stuff during that season. I took the liposomal mix (plus another “tonic” using organic grapefruit peel and such) whenever I felt run down. Thank the Lord He’s kept us so healthy through it all.

So, as for the lion’s den, even if things look bleak, those lions won’t be opening their mouths for God’s people. He does protect us, even when we keep praying. I suspect it might seem like “misinformation” these days, to suggest that Liposomal C and other “home remedies” may yield positive results. And my own personal experience is only anecdotal, but for now, I think I can still share that much!

Hello 2023!

Posting a quick note for any customers wondering if we’ll be open for Martin Luther King Jr. Day: We will not! But I’ll throw in a picture of the team, from our New Deli Christmas Party this past year.

In other news… so weird- can you be “ghosted” on Google?! It looked like something very strange had happened- like that no one was stopping by the website. Suddenly. After over ten years of three thousand plus visitors to the site monthly, it flatlined to zero visits from November on. Well, we can’t always go by appearances. We have to walk by faith, right? As it turned out, I mentioned it to a friend, who said, “Well, that’s a lie. I was just on your website the other day, checking out a bunch of pages. For a long time.” (Another friend confirmed as well.) Moral of the story: we might sometimes get discouraged, if we choose to look at the surface. But we can be encouraged, if we remember: “God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28).

I was looking at appearances for a bit though. My Twitter account had already been suspended. I guess because you couldn’t voice an opinion that might lead to violent acts of outrage? I had asked some questions about masking on Facebook, which automatically got forwarded to my Twitter account… I would delete the post on Facebook, since it did seem to be too controversial. But I never deleted it from Twitter. So maybe that took me down? Wild times… Grandma got banned on Twitter… (Elon’s reinstated me, but with none of my previous followers now, and none of my old posts. So, whoopeee…)

I have to say, I took the Google website stats seriously too. For a minute. I decided to not post on the site anymore, since apparently no one was going to it anyway. (And I hadn’t posted much during the Covid pandemic anyway.) But. I’m back! And I’ll try to post a little more often. It’s time to move on!

The New Deli Christmas Party, 2022

Sub for Missing Chocolate: Cocoa Nib Rocky Road

I’ll admit- I had my last jar of cocoa nibs on the shelf for over a year. OK, maybe a year after the expiration date. Hey, we got busy, right? Covid happened… The deli managed to stay open (by the grace of God), but we had other things to deal with besides me making Cocoa Nib Fudge in my spare time.

And then the other shoe dropped. Supply chain shortages! I could no longer get my Montezuma Pure Cocoa-Nib Chocolate Bar at Trader Joe’s (and I’m not paying $10 per bar for it on Amazon). My secret stash had run out. But no worries, right? I’d relent and start eating Tom’s Extra Dark Pound Plus Chocolate Bar (only $1/ounce on Amazon, a third the price of Montezuma’s, but still). Tom’s only had a little sugar, right? BUT THEN THEY RAN OUT OF THAT! First world problems! What would I do?

TJ's was out of my fave chocolate...
First World Problems- No Chocolate!

Well, I busted into my more recent cocoa nibs, and threw together a new version of Cocoa Nib Chocolate. (I’ve got, like, four other versions of this recipe, here, here, here, and here…)

DIY Chocolate Fix

Below is the latest recipe. I put the recipe in weight (easier that way). But customize as needed or preferred (omit cocoa butter if you don’t have that, etc.) But all I said in previous posts about the Champion juicer still holds true.

  • #1- The Champion’s the best way to “grind” cocoa nibs into a puree (barring the use of a professional stone chocolate-grinding wheel)
  • #2 You probably have to resort to eBay to find the Champion juicer (not on Amazon)
  • #3- You can’t grind cocoa nibs in your other fancy juicer that you bought on Amazon

I don’t have a crystal ball, but I do have my Bible… Chocolate shortages are really small potatoes in so very many ways- more to come, I’m sure. But meanwhile, we will make the most of the time we have, yes? May all your chocolate cravings be filled, even if you don’t want to bother with the recipe below!

“Unsweetened” Chocolate (except for those dried fruits…)


  • .50 toasted cacao nibs
  • .09 cocoa butter (or coconut oil)
  • .25 each coconut spread & butter
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • .25 each, raisins & dates
  • .25 macadamias (or other fave nuts)


1. Toast in oven at 375 degrees for 10 minutes in iron pan; stir once. Turn oven off and let finish toasting for 10-15 minutes more: > .50 raw cacao nibs

2. Process toasted cacao nibs until quite smooth a Champion juicer. Use: > .50 toasted cacao nibs

3. Add to Champion juicer (this will melt these ingredients): > .09 cocoa butter (or coconut oil) > .25 each coconut spread & butter

4. Add: > 1/4 tsp. salt > 1 tsp. vanilla > .25 each raisins & dates > .25 macadamias

5. Spread in loaf pan, then refrigerate overnight.

6. Turn the solid fudge mixture out onto cutting board (run upside-down pan under hot water if necessary). Cut into slice; will last in refrigerator for a month or two.