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Sourdough Starter Maintenance & Use & Other Details

Stiff Starter: 1/4 c. starter, 1/3 c. water, 1/2 c. wheat/rye flour blend

So… yeast and flour, mixed together, makes a pretty “one-dimensional” flavored bread. But. A well-tended starter, added to some dough, left to bulk-ferment and then have a final rise in the fridge, takes simple flour and water and creates a sum far greater than the parts! Which is why I bother babying my starter. OK, and obsessing about it just a tad… I have a deep respect for this little starter- it does amazing things.

Top Ten Spices & Herbs (+ 5 or 10 More…)

18-Bottle Spice Holder

My friend wanted to know which of his cupboard’s many spices and herbs he might want to keep. There are a few that are so versatile. Well, I’ve compiled a list- my own personal suggestions. We make a whole lotta stuff at The New Deli with these ingredients on hand. I hardly ever need to add anything more to this arsenal!

Rice Krispie Treats, Fast Recipe

Easy- Microwave Ingredients for Large Recipe Rice Krispie Treats!

You can make a lot of Rice Krispie Treats with very little time commitment! And even though I also offered chocolate quinoa cupcakes at last week’s retreat, these treats were the most popular. A total crowd-pleaser. Oh, and they’re even gluten-free!

Dilly Casserole Bread, Healthy-Style

Dilly Casserole Bread, Updated Healthy Version

You can tell by the name that the original recipe came from the 60’s, right? One friend even asked, “what does “casserole bread” mean? Maybe that’s since most people don’t even make bread anymore? (Or casseroles, for that matter?!) Well, I had to optimize this recipe for my whole wheat sourdough starter, and… it worked. I didn’t use yeast, but I kept the baking soda, adding it to the second rising, which seemed to give the bread an extra “lift”.

God’s Goodness ( From Personal Experience)

Honeybell near death, but dog recovered!

My dad and I had a close call with carbon monoxide poisoning this past month. But God showed His mercy through this. He used my friend to encourage me to make the trip; He heard my friends’ prayers for travel mercies, and He saved my dad and me both. Now I can boast of His goodness!

Chocolate Mousse in Meringue Crust (aka Pavlova)

Chocolate Mousse in Meringue Crust, Gluten-Free!

This is a take on the traditional “Pavlova”, which typically has fresh fruits garnishing a meringue crust, with plenty of whipped cream in between. I wanted to use the egg yolks though, so the chocolate mousse gave me a way to work those in. I guess you could also call this “Gluten-free Chocolate Dessert”, since that’s trendy. Or maybe, “Healthy Chocolate Pie”, since it uses bittersweet chocolate and not very much sugar. Oh, who am I kidding?! I just love meringue, and take any excuse to eat it!

Mashed Potatoes w/ Rosemary

This past year, I came up with a new recipe for mashed potatoes, and I’ll do it this way forever now. I cooked the potatoes whole, adding a few inches of boiling water to the pot, essentially steaming them. They take longer to cook than peeled, cubed potatoes, but oh. My. They were so good!

Cocoa Nib Fudge, Fruit-Sweetened

Cocoa nibs blended with dates, raisins, butter, coconut oil

Tom and I have a quick liquid breakfast that usually includes a cup of this fudgey stuff, blended with boiling water, hot chocolate style. I like to add a scoop of favorite supplements, and a raw egg, which gets the drink slightly thick and frothy. Yum!

You can use your fat of choice, but I use mostly pastured butter in mine, since we also take a shot of cod liver oil every morning, and the butter works synergistically with it for better nutrition.

Open Weekdays, Closed Weekends

New Deli Family Business

We will miss our Saturday crowd, and certainly don’t mean to inconvenience anyone. But… we are now closed all weekend. (A few doors away, Subway closed its doors this past summer- at least we didn’t go that far.) Coming in on weekdays, you may understand. We’re working real hard all week long, filling lots of orders for local businesses and others. We THANK you for keeping us so busy, and hope you’ll understand that we really needed to let go of that six-day work week. (We’re not getting any younger!)

Chocolate Poppy Seed Torte- Fancy Dessert!

Ground Poppy Seeds Add Richness to Chocolate Torte

I have fond childhood memories of my great grandpa bringing us poppy seed pastries from a Dutch bakery. So of course I was excited to try a torte recipe using the poppy seed paste. My husband wasn’t acting very excited that we were having a poppy seed cake for dessert on Sunday. ‘Till he found out about the chocolate part! Then we were both happy 🙂