Posts Categorized: Blog

Time Out for Summer Vacay!

The New Deli Board, Almost 40 Years

Almost to 40 years at The New Deli! Yes, at the same place (did you miss noticing we’ve been here forever?!). We’re holding down the fort, even with the winds of change coming through, knocking things over. STILL making da bomb homemade Italian dressing (pure olive oil), and the guilty pleasure- New Deli Ranch. And more, of course 😉

Present Day (AND President’s Day)

We’re closed for President’s Day, AND- celebrating that Tom’s wild health journey through the holidays turned out well, just in time for us to celebrate our 48th anniversary. Thank you Lord!

Back January 8th, 2024!

The New Deli Team

We’re stretching it out a bit, since our son’s getting married this week. We’ll be closed through Sunday, January 7th, but we’ll be back after that. Hope to see you then!

Memorial Day

Celebrating freedom that comes at great cost, this Memorial Day- John 8:36 says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Yay!

Looking Up!

The New Deli is closed for President’s Day, Monday, February 20. Back Tuesday, though! Meanwhile, recent trends had me considering that old story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den,,,

Hello 2023!

The New Deli Christmas Party, 2022

Posting a quick note for any customers wondering if we’ll be open for Martin Luther King Jr. Day: We will not! But I’ll throw in a picture of the team, from our New Deli Christmas Party this past year. In other news… so weird- can you be “ghosted” on Google?! It looked like something very…

Chickening Out!

My hardware store friends say raising chickens is the latest Covid trend- their sales & inquiries testify. With a few tips, it’s been an easy, rewarding venture!

A Life Well-Lived, A Man Well Loved

I was in the process of compiling my notes, to post a recipe for Liposomal Turmeric/C, wrought from studying medical papers and other online info. I’ve been taking this concoction for the last year, and it appears to have improved my thyroid health. The doctor said my annual lab test indicates that I need to…

Eating Healthy- Weight Maintenance

This was news to me: how to combine proteins with fats, or proteins with carbs, for better digestion, health, and weight maintenance. (Or, even to do a protein meal here or there, with minimal fat or carbs, to actually lose weight…) Six months in, I’ve discovered it works. So I summed up my journey in 1,200 words or less… (Oh dear- sorry, I was as concise as I could be!)

Blueberry Pie, Jean’s Recipe

BonAppetit-Style Blueberry Pie w/Fresh Blueberries, Less Sugar

I recently brought this to a church picnic for the pie contest. It didn’t win first place, though it won a few fans, OK, so those fans were my good friends, who also try to limit their sugar intake. They figured the pie should’ve won first place, and that it was the fault of judging team’s composition that it didn’t win: four guys who love sugar were the judges. In other words, maybe you wouldn’t serve this to a very traditional group, that expects a pie to be a vehicle for a gooey, jam-like substance. BUT, for those of us who love eating more whole, natural foods, we can splurge on this and still feel great!