Posts Tagged: natural ingredients

Chicken Roasted Easy Style, Seasoned w/ Herbs Under the Skin

Under the skin, seasoned whole chicken

Use time efficiently by implementing this recipe, preparing a healthy, delicious meal with minimal work. Make a double or triple batch of the herb mix, and season several birds all at once, to be especially efficient. The pre-seasoned birds will keep in the freezer, ready to thaw and roast at a future date. A blender…

Easy, Healthier “Chocolate Graham Cake” Recipe, Paleo-ish!

This is a fairly quick, easy cake recipe, and provides a somewhat healthier version of the standard chocolate cake. Fresh-ground whole wheat flour is ideal; by using whole grain flour, coconut palm sugar to sweeten, and a hearty portion of eggs, it will be less likely to produce a carb overload! I call it a…