You can tell a lot by what a person buys. I’m sharing my list from this morning, for those who might like a head’s up on some good values. (I love shopping when I’m getting value.)
I wasn’t always an online shopper, but it’s making more and more sense. In the old days, if we needed some special item for the deli, Tom and I would have to go on a day when we weren’t working. But usually, the only days we’re not working are vacation days, which are pretty rare.
When we needed a new industrial-strength Cuisinart, Amazon had the best price. And we didn’t have to run around looking for it!
When I bought our latest stainless steel pressure cooker on Amazon, I discovered it was even better than the one I’d just purchased at the local hardware store. More points for Amazon.
This morning, I stocked up on more good stuff, from the grocery category. I didn’t even have to pay shipping, since I got big enough quantities to qualify for free shipping. (If you have “Amazon Prime”, you’d probably get free shipping regardless of quantity ordered, which is pretty cool.) You might want to check out these items!
Now that I have a Vitamix, I grind my own whole wheat flour for sour-dough bread. I ordered this 30 lb. bag of whole wheat berries, since the price proved cheaper than I could get locally. Yes, an investment, but… a good one!
I also got a new set of sprouters, since my friend needed one tray. It’s cheaper to get three, and I’ll keep two for the deli. BTW, this is THE best way to sprout sprouts! I’ve had a couple sets of these for years, which I use daily for growing deli sprouts. They’re so popular, I need extra trays to keep up with the demand!
I got this organic tart cherry concentrate too, which I use it to flavor my kefir water. It’s super great for your joints and such. (My dad just takes it straight- a spoonful a day.)
AND, I snagged some organic chia seeds. Yes, Trader Joe’s is selling the seeds cheaper, but they’re not organic. And the health food store sells organic, but can’t beat this price, for a 2-lb. package.
Not to mention, I stocked up on coconut oil. This is still the best value you can find for this stuff! Especially when you order enough to get free shipping 🙂
Oh, and I got more coconut palm sugar. It’s perfect for the healthy breakfast bars I’ve been making us for breakfast lately. Lots of minerals, and lower in the glycemic index (yay, no sugar drop off afterward!).