Cookbook Frenzy! Coming Out September-ISH, Jen’s Latest Book

Sneak-Preview-Jens-Soup-E-cookbookSo… my soup ebook is coming together. Whoot! Expected release? Hopefully September. Exciting!

(Update: OK, it took a bit longer than I’d said. The book is finally “in review” this Cyber Monday, December 2, 2013. Which means, it will available within twelve hours or so…)

I have to get excited. I have to talk about it. That way, maybe you’ll keep me accountable. Just ask me, OK? (“So, Jen, when IS that book coming out?!”)

I like to think that I’m orchestrating some grand stew, which will all come together in its time. But meanwhile, the cow’s still grazing in the pasture, the carrots are in the ground, the bell peppers are ripening, and the spices are getting dried.

Uh, in other words, I have been fine-tuning the thirty-plus soup recipes. (Is that the cow, grazing?) And I have been researching digital requirements, how to format, etc. (Is that the carrot in the ground?) And I’ve been taking the last few photographs, since every soup needs an inspiring picture. (Is that the pepper ripening?) As for the spices, I’ve selected just a few favorite verses, which will add a dash of “seasoning” to the book.

And then it’ll all come together, right?!

That’s just the behind-the-scenes stuff. Meanwhile, it can’t all be behind the scenes, or you might forget about “Grateful Table”. We can’t have that!

So. Besides the behind-the-scenes book work I’m doing, I’ll continue to post some of those recipes folks are still looking for. Back when I had my old website (, I’d posted over two hundred recipes, and people are still looking for some of ’em. (If YOU are looking for any of them, just ask, and I’ll get ’em posted here for you 😀 )

I just posted the Chicken Salad with Caramelized Walnuts recipe, and its sister recipe, Caramel Sauce (posted here). Why? Because, everyone needs to know how to caramelize sugar, don’t they? It really is pretty easy. Really. We do it all the time at The New Deli.

But, enough for today. Back to the book!

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